Coffee morning

Sonnyboys coffee morning


Come and have a coffee with Peter and Ben - the owners of Sonnyboys Music Store.

Join us on Zoom on Saturday February 6th at 11am

Meeting ID: 884 0028 3874 Passcode: 048646

Why? Social natter about harmonicas, you get to meet us and ask questions, show us how well you can play with a quick burst of harmonica playing! Maybe it will turn into an open Mic…

One thing we can assure you of - no selling.

Maybe you can tell us how you are you getting on with your harmonica ,or your playing, how when and why did you start - what made you want to start?

How did you get on with the free video lessons, have you tried a live class? - there are three today.

We will be giving away:

Come and join us for a chinwag, no pressure to do anything - just turn up.

If it is popular we can do this again next month.

Ben and Pete.